Building churches, praying, educating, supporting pastors and broadcasting the Good News is the ministry of ICM. ICM is a ministry that takes the Gospel to the world in a time of urgent need.
The leaders of Vishwa Vani, a national ministry of India, developed what they called the "web concept". ICM is implementing this idea though out the world. How does it work? Communities are surveyed and Bible studies are selected for the purpose of establishing churches. Each group selected represents significant potential for growth to reach surrounding villages, towns and cities. Through donors, ICM supplies buildings for these groups called core church groups, at a cost as minimal as $6,500. In return, each group provides for its pastors and ongoing church maintenance. During the church construction phase, ICM monitors progress and requires detailed reporting to assure stringent accountability remains in place.
A core church accepts the challenge of reaching out to five communities that surround them over a three to five year period. Returning to one of many core churches near Hyderabad, ICM discovered that one church had planted two daughter churches. Returning to India fifteen months after dedicating the first church, the core