Christian Foundation Ministry List
$5,000,000 in premium per ministry
may result in an annual distribution of $750,000
Please review the ministries
below to determine where profit
distribution should be directed.
Athletes in
Action | Children of Promise |
Habitat for Humanity | International
Cooperating Ministries | The “JESUS” Film |
Opportunity International |
Partners International |
Salvation Army | Walk Thru the
Bible | Word of Life Hungary
Athletes in Action
Reaching Individuals through Sports
Athletes in Action exist to develop athletic influences
into Christ-centered leaders. AIA works directly with thousands of college and
professional athletes and coaches worldwide to train them to talk about the Lord
one-on-one, with the media, and in other public forums to help fulfill the great
Christian Foundation Insurance is focusing on the
Europe and Eurasia segment of Athlete’s in Action international ministry.
Sports are a powerful method in reaching Europe and Eurasia; it is the number
one free time activity. Sports personalities continue to dominate as the heroes
of society. Sports are an international language that secularized Europeans
understand, providing some of the most natural and culturally relevant
opportunities imaginable to present the gospel.
AIA is helping to pioneer the vision of sports ministry through Europe. In the
mid-1980’s, just four European countries had an evangelistic sports ministry.
Today that number of countries has grown to 25. AIA has full-time ministry in 13
of them.
AIA has been able to send student athletes to counties that
are currently closed to evangelism. As official guests of governments that are
primarily Muslim, students are able to play other teams and hold clinics, while
sharing their personal testimony and faith in Jesus Christ. The Christian
Foundation will help send students to these spiritually needy countries to share
the love of Christ. The opportunities available in the European and Eurasia
countries are truly miraculous.
Children of Promise
Dedicated to caring for orphans and widows
Children of Promise’s approach is unique in that they are
one of the few organizations in the world that provide comprehensive 24-hour
care for orphans and widows in multiple countries. In addition to church-based
orphan homes that provide 24-hour care for orphans and widows, they also operate
feeding and nutrition programs, free schools and higher education opportunities,
and family assistance programs for needy children throughout the world.
Church-based orphan homes are a distinctive aspect
of Children of Promise’s approach. They develop partnerships with overseas
churches and ministries to operate these homes. This strategy helps ensure that
all of the needs of orphans and widows in our care are addressed, most of all
their spiritual needs-as well as food, clothing, shelter, medical, and
educational needs. Having the orphans under their care, in homes that also
function as churches, provides a greater capacity to adequately care for them
and gives them continuity of relationship that can extend into their adult years
once they leave our orphan homes. Our church-based approach also gives the
members of the church continual opportunities to actively express their faith
through caring for orphans and widows.
Habitat for Humanity International
100,000+ Houses
Since 1976
The cause of substandard housing and homelessness are
many. Millions of people are displaced due to war, famine, and natural
disasters. Millions more languish in the poverty and squalor in much of the
developing world.
Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) is a Christian
organization dedicated to eliminating substandard housing and homelessness
worldwide and to making adequate, affordable shelter a matter of conscience and
action. Habitat is founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child
should have a simple, decent, affordable place to live in dignity and safety.
The work of Habitat for Humanity is driven by the desire to
give tangible expression to the love of God through the work of eliminating
poverty housing. Habitat's ministry is based on the conviction that to follow
the teachings of Jesus Christ we must reflect Christ's love in our own lives by
loving and caring for one another. Our love must not be words only -- it must be
true love, which shows itself in action. Habitat provides an opportunity for
people to put their faith and love into action, bringing diverse groups of
people together to make affordable housing and better communities a reality for
International Cooperating Ministries
Building Churches Around the World
“The Whole Word for the Whole World”
A man from a small village in India said with tears in his
eyes, “I am over eighty years of age and have been praying for twenty years that
God would provide a place to worship Him.” He was looking at a newly constructed
church built by ICM.
ICM’s strategy begins with practical Bible studies that
are broadcasted to people in their native language. Study notes are offered upon
request, letters are followed up by national workers and listeners are channeled
into local churches or formed into Bible studies where no church exist. As a
Bible study group matures into a congregation of 100 believers- a church is
built. This congregation then reaches out to the surrounding communities to
establish congregations.
ICM networks with national leaders committed to church
development. It provides a means of Bible training through daily broadcasts of
the Mini Bible College. It provides notes of the Mini Bible College on request
to listeners for continued study and spiritual growth. It provides funding for
training centers, Bible schools, and seminaries for pastoral training. It
provides a structured procedure for church building to maximize financial
investments and to achieve impact for continued outreach
The “Jesus” Film
Giving everyone one chance to see
The purpose of the Jesus Film Project is to show the
“JESUS” Film to everyone in the world in his or her own language. The Christian
Foundation is focusing the JESUS Film distribution in the Eastern Europe and
Asia regions.
How many movies do you know of that have the potential to
alter the course of a viewer's life? The "JESUS" Film is such a movie. God has
repeatedly used this straightforward presentation of the life of Christ to
literally change lives. With the script taken straight from the Gospel of Luke,
"JESUS" is recognized as the most accurate depiction of the life of Christ ever
put on film.
Every two seconds—sometimes in the midst of global chaos
and conflict—someone indicates a decision to receive Christ as personal Savior
as a result of seeing the "JESUS" film.
The JESUS Film Project seeks to give everyone in the world
one chance to hear the gospel
in his or her own language. So
whether a person speaks Swahili, French, or a language whose name is extremely
difficult for most to pronounce, he or she will encounter the life and message
of Jesus in a language "of the heart."
Opportunity International
Giving the Poor a Working Chance
For over 30 years, Opportunity International has been a
leader among nonprofit organizations in the global fight against poverty. A
pioneer in micro enterprise development, Opportunity is committed to solving
poverty instead of merely treating its symptoms. By providing loans and basic
training in business practices for the poor, we are able to break the cycle of
poverty and foster social and spiritual transformation.
These small loans create lasting change in people’s
lives. More than just a credit provider, the staff prays with and for
borrowers. They provide training and council as need from application to the
final loan payment. This ensures that the fledgling businesses succeed. When
non-Christians receive loans, they understand that Christians are behind the
work. They hear how God loves them so much, that He cares about their immediate
needs as well as their eternal destiny.
Partners International
Serving God’s Servants in the Hard
Partners International is a global ministry that works to
create and grow communities of Christian witness in partnership with God's
people in the least Christian regions of the world.
Since 1943 when Partners began working with Christians in
China, they pioneered the innovative approach of partnering with indigenous
Christian ministries. They continue to identify strategic ministries and then
provide the resources to strengthen and grow their work. They share a common
goal with all our partners: starting churches where none exist.
Our partners are local Christians who already have a
vision. They are passionate about sharing God's love with their own people and
with nearby unreached people groups. They speak the language. They understand
the culture. They rarely need a visa. They live at the same economic level as
the people they serve. They work against all odds, often risking persecution,
imprisonment, and even death.
We are their partners.
Salvation Army
Improving the
health, economics, and spiritual conditions
of the poor throughout the world
The Salvation Army’s message is based on the Bible; its
motivation is the love of God as revealed through Jesus Christ. Its mission is
to proclaim His gospel, to persuade men and women to become His disciples, and
to engage in a program of practical concern for the needs of humanity. Its
ministry is offered to all, regardless of race, creed, color, or ethic origin.
Internationally, The Salvation Army works in over 100
countries using more 140 languages. There are over 14,000 Corps as well as a
wide range of social, medical, educational and other community services.
The military style of The Salvation Army proved to be a
most effective stimulant to the progress of the Army's work in the fight against
Thru the Bible
Contributing to the Spiritual Growth of Christians Worldwide
Training is greatly needed around the world.
Walk Thru the Bible believes that God is directing them to
impact countries through teaching the Bible for lasting lifechange and making
disciples through the Walk Thru the Bible: International program. Walk
Thru the Bible: International is a 15-year strategy that will only be
accomplished through the grace of God as well as dedicated alliances and
partnerships. Walk Thru the Bible: International’s strategy is to
find pastors and church planters who already have an effective ministry and show
them how Walk Thru the Bible can make their ministry more effective.
Walk Thru the Bible: International has been
implementing this program since January 1998, and God has blessed amazingly! At
the end of the first year, 1998, Walk Thru the Bible: International had
731 teachers in three countries. At the end of 1999, there were 2,522 teachers
in 17 countries. As of the end of 2000, Walk Thru the Bible: International
had 8,178 teachers in 38 countries who taught 14,287 Bible course to 415,567
people. There were 20,667 salvation decisions and 194,747 other decisions of
significant lifechange.
As of right now, Walk Thru the Bible: International
has over 12,000 teachers…
And this is just the beginning.
of Life Hungary
Holding Forth the Word of Life in Hungary
Since the 1940's
Word of Life International Ministries has effectively targeted youth with the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. Word of Life is strategically located in over 41
countries, which span six continents. The primary focus is the evangelization
and discipleship of young men and women through Bible Clubs, Christian camping,
evangelistic crusades, radio and Bible Institutes.
Word of Life Hungary was established in 1989
after many years of an unfavorable political climate towards the ministry.
Finally, an agreement was made that the government would lease a 78-acre castle
property to Word of Life, under the condition that they would provide free
summer camp for the children of the Hungarian trade union. The same facility
that had once been used during the communist era to teach atheistic values would
now be used to proclaim the Word of God… even before the fall of communism in
Word of Life focuses on the Bible Institute during the
school year, and the camp ministry during the summer. Word of Life Hungary
greatly depends on church volunteers from America to staff the camp as
short-term English teachers on a weekly basis for the summer camp ministry.
These ministries reach thousands of young Hungarians each year with the Gospel.