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 How Did the Idea Develop?

 Jim, Jack, and Tom Conner have been in the insurance business for over 20 years.  Business life and their personal lives were very different. Personally, each were involved in church and hold a strong faith in Jesus Christ. It was difficult to combine their desires for spiritual significance within their insurance agency.

 The Conner's had concluded a trip to the Word of Life camp in Hungary, a Bible Study on "Experiencing God" by Henry Blackaby, and a trip with Walk Thru the Bible. After these experiences, the brothers agreed that God wanted to use them within the insurance business. But how could God use them in the insurance business?

 During the same time, they were putting a captive together for a large real estate company in Indianapolis with the concept of giving a dividend back to their tenants as a benefit.
After working on the project, they thought that it would be a great way to raise funds for foreign missions. Could we develop a captive with very profitable business that those profits could be redirected to support foreign ministries?  After researching what codes were the most profitable we presented the idea to our advisor Ethan Jackson who encouraged us to proceed with the project.

 After months of research Jackson committed to fund the captive. The Foundation secured enough capital to write up to $100 million in premiums.

 Securing the captive was miracle one. Now faced with the daunting task of marketing the concept to agents across the United States, God provides miracle two.

 An agent in California encouraged the Conner's to meet with Ron Wilson. Wilson took an early retirement from a national insurance company to raise money for a foreign ministry. Wilson was excited that others had the same passion to support foreign ministries. Wilson offered to share his over 1000 business contacts with church insurance agents with the Conner brothers to market the Foundation.

 Since the summer of 1999, the Conner's have traveled the country with Wilson introducing the idea to agents. The Conners and Wilson have seen the benefit of business becoming significant for eternal reasons. This brought a new passion into their daily work life.